Monday, January 24, 2011



You may call me a day dreamer, but I'm not the only one.

My name is Sarah Felps and I just recently started to express my love for making cupcakes. And I, Sarah Felps would like for you to be one of few people to see and taste my delicious cupcakes.

Sadly, technology has not made it as far as letting you taste my cupcakes via blog, but at least you can see them and tell me what you think, and if you would like to order any.

What occasions does someone need to order Cupcakes?

Well that's simple to answer.

Office parties
Valentine's Day
I'm sorry
Because you have a sweet tooth 
or maybe just because you're having a bad day.

The possibilities are endless!!

How can I get in touch with such an amazing cupcake baker?

As much as I would love to have my own bakery, that time is not now. So the best way to get  a hold of me is via email at

Treat Yourself to a Cupcake
{You Know You Want To!}


  1. Shoot, I was just about to ask how the bakery planning was going...

  2. This is as far as I've gotten. I just need to get my name out there.
